The random thoughts of a nash.
Published on July 29, 2005 By Gene Nash In Cats
They tell me the entire time I was away, my cat did nothing but cry. Well, at least someone missed me.

He's a freaky little thing. He hates to be alone. If I leave the room, you can be sure it won't be long before I glance down and find a grey-and-white fuzz ball laying nearby. He hates it when he can't have access to me. It's not so much that he needs access, he just wants to have it in case he feels like it.

I can sympathize with those who had to put up with his non-stop crying spree. Sometimes I'll have to lock him in a room while I'm doing something "kitty harmful" (such as my recent wetting down the house with Ortho Home Defense Max to stop an ant invasion). He sits there and cries and cries till I open the door. Then he doesn't even necessarily come out, he just wanted to have the option. I can't even disappear into the bathroom without meowing coming from the other side of the door.

But that hardly compares to days on end of "Mrrrrrrrrrw!!" in a whiney little voice. Really, Communist governments should bottle it as a torture device. If the Chinese realized the efficacy of this little fur bomb they'd drop the whole water torture thing. That's how I ended up with him. He circled the house crying till the walls came tumbling down. I figured I'd better adopt him before the neighbors dined on kitty stew.

Given all his distress, you'd think the little S.O.B. would've been ecstatic to see me, right?

I came in from the hospital and said, "Hello, Fuzzy! I hear you did nothing but cry while I was away."

Did he run up to me, leap into my arms and start purring? Did he rush over and rub on my legs? Did he act like he had a pulse? Nope. He just glanced at me like, "Oh, did you go somewhere? I hadn't noticed." Then laid back down and went to sleep.


on Jul 29, 2005
welcome back gene, and i had a dog like that...she died in 2001...
on Jul 29, 2005
welcome back gene, body all healed? looking forwards to your next posts.

on Jul 29, 2005
Hahhahaaha...sounds like my kids. I'm boring, I'm not cool, and I'm apparently dumb as a box of rocks, but I can't go anywhere or do anything without one of them right behind me.

Glad to hear you're doing well...I had been wondering about you.
on Aug 02, 2005
obviously it missed your appendix more than the rest of you.

i know how it feels tho cuz i've been leavin 'welcome back gene' messages all over the place.