The random thoughts of a nash.
we lose another blogger -- something is wrong
Published on July 4, 2004 By Gene Nash In Blogging

        Well, we lost another blogger. WrecklessEric has deleted all his articles and dropped out.

        In the old days, miners would carry canaries into the mines with them as a gas meter. The poor little feather balls were more sensitive and more quickly subject to the effects of poison gas than their much larger human companions. If the canary died it meant there was poison in the air and time to beat a hasty retreat.

        We've recently seen a flux of articles about how nasty things are getting around here, how certain individuals pollute the experience and make others feel worthless. While there is a certain ebb and flow to this sort of thing, I think this may be far more serious than the norm. Bloggers are dropping like canaries. And not the toxic bloggers either.

        Others have criticized the criticizers. It's the old blame the messenger routine. "As long as I keep my head buried in the sand, as long as you don't rock my delusional little boat then nothing is wrong. You are the problem! You are the problem!" Well, you know the old saying -- "If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem" -- and you my ostrich feathered friends are part of the problem. If only you were a little smaller you wouldn't find it so easy to dismiss and dis. You'd already be laying legs up on the bottom of your cage.

        There's something wrong here. The canaries are trying to tell us that. This is more than just the normal comings and goings. This is death whispering in our ears. These aren't people leaving because they lose interest or find other things more pressing. These are people leaving because of the nastiness. If the good people continue to leave while the "evil doers" flourish things will only get nastier and nastier till only the hateful survive.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 04, 2004

I agree with Dharma, I do not like to see personal attacks on good men like Madpoet

I think it best for all concerned if I bow out of this debate now.

on Jul 04, 2004
I hope you will join us Maxwellians, PoetMom, for we must fight the good fight.

Thanks for the invitation, but I'll have to decline. Just think of me as Switzerland in this "fight"....completely neutral....
on Jul 04, 2004
I notice I am the only person defending Madpoet from the despicable bullying he is being subjected to, truly shameful!
on Jul 04, 2004

Reply #18 By: Sir Peter Maxwell - 7/4/2004 1:41:03 PM
I notice I am the only person defending Madpoet from the despicable bullying he is being subjected to, truly shameful!

Ahem. See my post defending MadPoet, timestamped an hour before your above quote.
on Jul 04, 2004
I hate to be the voice of reason here, but perhaps there's some fault on both sides. Fighting the good fight doesn't necessarily mean one has to stoop to the enemy's level. Of course, feel free to ignore my poor ignorance in this matter.
on Jul 04, 2004
I personally think we are giving this *fight* more attention than it is worthy of
on Jul 04, 2004
Fighting the good fight doesn't necessarily mean one has to stoop to the enemy's level

To achieve victory you must be prepared to stoop to whatever level necessary, war is not a noble thing.

on Jul 05, 2004
And the ostriches will out.

Look, the canaries are dying whether you want to pay any attention to it or not. You can use logic, you can rationalize, you can kill the messanger all you want. The canaries are still dying.

You can pump the poison out of the mine or you can stand around and wait till it creeps up your nostrils, down your lungs, before you look around in vain for someone to help you to the shaft elevator. Your choice.

The bell has been rung. Ignore it at your peril.

The alarm has been sounded. What you do with it is your business.
on Jul 05, 2004
BTW, can anyone point me to one of these toxic posts?

I can think of at least 5 toxic posters off the top of my head. One of them, St. Ying, has already been banned, but he is still a good example of the type of thing I am talking about. They are allowed to move at will from thread to thread spewing venom and hate for far too long. He and his ilk have no apparent desire other than to insult and ferment discord. Could you at least half the time it takes to rid the site of such people? (If there are others living in a permanent state of negative user score, they might be good place to start cleaning house. Maybe that could be one objective criteria for when someone has stepped over the line?)

Another example might be when a post is so egregious your corporate partners put pressure on you to remove it. I don't need the word N****r (or any variation thereof) appearing all over my side bar. This may be "my blog," but I have no control over the kind of garbage that shows up next to my name. It cheapens the entire site. If I were a new user, and my first exposure was to see that and stuff like "Jesus Hates Bald Pussy" plastered all over, I probably would have kept on moving. We now have the "adult content" label but something needs to be done about certain titles.

By the way, could the titles of adult content articles show up in red? or have a flag next to them or something? Currently the only way to know they are adult content appears to be to click on them. I'd like some advance warning, that way I could make a more informed decision about whether or not I wanted to look at it.

(I don't have a problem with the actual article "Jesus Hates Bald Pussy," I'd just like to not have it appear in my side bar -- essentially "on" "my site.")
on Jul 05, 2004
(I don't have a problem with the actual article "Jesus Hates Bald Pussy," I'd just like to not have it appear in my side bar -- essentially "on" "my site.")

I'll second that one, and the idea of knowing beforehand that an article contains adult content.
on Jul 05, 2004

Regarding adult content: We are looking into that as well as looking at having bloggers have a way to simply block out adult content based articles from showing up on their sidebars.

One thing I would plead with you all about: Don't let provincialism take over. Communities change over time naturally. Today's regulars are not necessarily tomorrows. The best thing you can do is just ignore those who get on your nerves and black list them from your own blogs.

I black list people who get on my nerves very regularly. Early on, people thought this was a terrible thing. But I think as time goes on, more people recognize the reasoning for that. Toxic people suck out the fun in blogs.

on Jul 05, 2004
The best thing you can do is just ignore those who get on your nerves and black list them from your own blogs.

Yes, I've said repeatedly over the weekend...MAKE the blogging experience into what you want it to be!
on Jul 05, 2004

Toxic people suck out the fun in blogs.

That's what I was talking about.

I, however, refuse to let the lunatics take over. 

on Jul 05, 2004
No one will "take over" whether you class them as a lunatic or not.

Brad Wardell owns the website and a few idiots overestimating their importance to this website and writing endless articles about how toxic joeuser has supposedly become will change that.

I order everyone to start writing actual articles and stop bloody moaning. This is a blogging website not the United Nations. I'm not naming names but a few of you are in the frame for playing the role of the French if this were the United Nations.
on Jul 05, 2004
It isn't Little_Whip, or anyone else that is the problem, it is the fact that people simply can't tolerate them. It *is* toxic, though.

I mean come on, you guys are the ones going back time and again, jabbing, poking prodding. If no one commented the article would slide out of sight and be forgotten. 99.99999% of the time it is the people aligned AGAINST a poster that pumps them full of points and keeps their ideas at the top of the stack.

Another problem is obviously the time of year. I don't think that there will be this kind of angst next summer. There are people here that really, truly believe that they can influence politics by bludgeoning the opposition with their ideas, and then just calling anyone who opposes them a liar. They never consider the fact that perhaps it isn't other people's reading comprehension, but their own ability to communicate accurately what they are thinking that causes all the conflict.

We have politics shoved in our face every time we turn on the television, and most of us feel very, very strongly about how the US would be damaged if the people we oppose win. That is DAMAGED, not just annoyed temporarily. In that light people are defending themselves from something a bit worse than someone else's opinion.

My suggestion is if you don't enjoy "vitriol" don't invite it. If you don't enjoy antagonism, don't antagonize. If you don't enjoy SEEING it, don't visit the articles of people who do. You only perpetuate the discussion by banging away at it, and frankly many of these people just do this kind of thing for attention. Some people don't feel they have to be correct, sometimes just stirring the pot and making people think is enough for them. Those people really don't deserve your posts, because there's nothing you can say to persuade them. After all, to me, Persuasion is the point.
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