The random thoughts of a nash.
car ad pulled due to ghostly presence
Published on May 17, 2005 By Gene Nash In Entertainment
Some of you may recall the article I posted a while back about a web movie claiming to prove the existence of ghosts.

Well, when the following email arrived yesterday, I just had to check it out:

Hi, Gene Nash,

Frank Bauer here... you have to check this out.
Make sure your sound is turned up a bit... it's kinda hard to

Strange but interesting. This is a car advertisement from Great
Britain. When they finished filming the ad, the film editor
noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a
ghostly white mist.

They found out that a person had been killed a year earlier in
that exact same spot. The ad was never put on TV because of the
unexplained ghostly phenomenon.

Watch the front end of the car as it clears the trees in the
middle of the screen and you'll see the white mist crossing in
front of the car then following it along the road.


Is it a ghost, or is it simply mist? You decide. If you listen
to the ad, you'll even hear the commentator talk about it near
the end of the commercial.

A little creepy but pretty cool!

Frank Bauer
Publisher of the More4you Newsletter

PS: If you believe in this kind of stuff, this video might
cause your heart to skip a beat or two. Don't watch this if
you're over 80 or wearing a pacemaker!

Check it out and tell me what you think.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 17, 2005
ok, I nearly had a damn heartattack. Thanks.

Heading for Hawaii (Lights and Sirens) to treat Wahine's near heart attack!!!!

on May 18, 2005
I think the internet has desensitised me... sorry, but the ghost got a big pffft from me.

My brother once showed me a dude capping himself on the 'net, whilst i wasn't happy with him, and it was certainly something i could have done without seeing, I am now ready for anything!

i still haven't figured out if that is good or bad though...
on May 19, 2005
Yo Gene, is that meant to be a joke? If it is... it's funny, but if it's not then it's scary.
on May 19, 2005
Have you sent this to Art Bell yet?

He un-retired himself again? I wonder if he believes all that crap or he's just playing to his audience a la Howard Stern.

ok, I nearly had a damn heartattack. Thanks.

I'm evil. Sorry. No-one cc'd you the memo?

You can still trust me. I won't do anything like this again... probably....


Okay, but if it require mouth-to-mouth and vigorous chest massage I want a copy of the video.

I think the internet has desensitised me... sorry, but the ghost got a big pffft from me.

My brother once showed me a dude capping himself on the 'net, whilst i wasn't happy with him, and it was certainly something i could have done without seeing, I am now ready for anything!

i still haven't figured out if that is good or bad though...

I'd say definitely bad. That's why I avoid I know there is a ton of stuff there I can live without seeing. (Which reminds me, about a year ago I wrote an article about such things, but I never posted it.)

I admit it -- despite being inured to horror film shocks and scares -- this one got me. But I'm thinking of writing a follow-up to this, so I'll save it for then.

Yo Gene, is that meant to be a joke? If it is... it's funny, but if it's not then it's scary.

Sir Peter comes under the heading of Satire. He's even listed under such in wikipedia.

Though I'm sure he'll take "scary" too. It would further his political goals.
on May 22, 2005
that is the scariest shit i have ever seen!!! lol! don't watch this alone!!!!!!!!
on Jun 05, 2005
I was watching so closely, too...
And everyone I try to pass it to has SEEN it.
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