The random thoughts of a nash.
Random Thoughts on Trolling
Published on May 30, 2004 By Gene Nash In Blogging

        I noticed I had three different ideas for "troll" related articles laying around. That would be a bit excessive. Instead I'll just briefly comment on them in a single article. (Thus denying myself three times the points. Maybe I'm not such a point ho after all.)

Finally a Use for the Troll Feature!

        Yes, I have started "troll buttoning" people. Some people just deserve it. When a person's entire "contribution" to a conversation consists of insulting everyone else at the table, something needs done. So while in my original article about the troll feature on JU I stated "I see no real use for this feature" I have finally found a purpose for it. If nothing else the ability to brand someone a troll gives us a sense we can do something about a bad situation. We regular users don't have any real power here. This gives us some. When a person is being an absolute orifice, we can do something to them. (Despite that, I'd still rather see it go.)

The Definition of a Troll

        I think the definition of "troll" has become far too relaxed. It's reached the point here where anyone can be called a troll for anything. To me a troll was someone who came in making insulting and abusive remarks for the sole purpose of inciting contentious response. (See, I can do "overwrought" too.) Basically they made inflammatory remarks so they could get off on upsetting people.
        People are too quick to jump on the troll button. Lately I see people accusing people of trolling just because they were disagreed with. Sincere disagreement -- even strongly stated sincere disagreement -- does not qualify as trolling. Some people are yelling troll at anything less than "You are just the most brilliant writer who ever lived." A person misunderstanding or misreading what you said does not qualify as trolling. A humorous aside (even if it misses the target) is not necessarily trolling. Failing to meet your definition of advancing the conversation -- including asking for clarification, or wishing to elaborate on a point already made in the article -- should not qualify as trolling. I've seen people leave poorly worded responses that show no intent of inflaming passions that erupt into brawls. Other times some imagined failure to jump through all a bloggers etiquette hoops results in scathing rebuke. We can't read your minds, people! You're mixing with many different societies and cultures here. Show a little understanding and restraint!
        Please, people, let's give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Give people a pass on the first comment. Try to understand them. Only if they continue making seemingly offensive remarks or "up the ante" go to the trolling accusation. Twice is enough to establish an accusation of troll, but first comments are too easily misunderstood. Unless of course the first comment is "You are the stupidest &%$#* on the ^&%@#@ planet, you pathetic moronic lump of infected camel puss." I think that could safely be defined as trolling.
        Personal insults are trolling and are never acceptable. Stick to ideas. Unfortunately there can be a gray area on what is a personal insult/attack. Sometimes what is mere analysis on what was said can be construed as a personal attack. Some people see "Hello" as a personal attack. Not a lot you can do there but make a very wide circle when you see them coming. In this case, blacklist them and don't read their blogs. Simple.
        Frankly some of the accusations of trolling rise to trolling themselves. They are more trolls than the people they accuse.

Some People Deserve to be Trolled

        Just as some people deserve to be troll buttoned, others deserve to be trolled. Some pompous, egotistical, "superior," I'm-God's-gift-to-the-world jerks' blogs serve no other purpose than self aggrandizement and proclamation to the world of how fantastic they are and inferior you are. Since their ideas are about themselves any comment would be as well. Instant getting personal. It qualifies as trolling.
        I've been troll buttoned. Since I've never intentionally set out to insult or inflame anyone I don't get why. Sometimes I ponder what I could have written to incite such harsh judgment. Other times who did it and what set them off is more obvious than lip stick on a dog. Especially when they decide to "insult you back" even though you never said anything derogatory about them in the first place. They can start a troll cascade. They just invite retaliation. Since they launched the first insult, they make return volley justified. Trolling by troll accusation. Maybe we should call it "the Reverse Troll." This is where the "I know I shouldn't but what the hell" taking a whack comes in. If I'm going to be accused of it, I may as well do it!
        That's about the only time trolling is accepted by the community. It can even become a group activity. If they happen to take on one of the regulars, or a top tener they are assured of getting many troll ratings against them from their victims' supporters and regular readers. There's a reason some people on this site exist in a state of perpetual negative points. But of course a troll deserves to be trolled. That's their whole philosophy. That's what they want. To give in to the temptation, no matter how satisfying, is probably to lose. It's best to just hit the troll button and stay above the fray.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 30, 2004

This is what I found on the 'net regarding trolling:

Good article...I wrote a similar one yesterday:

I'm gving you an 'insightful'  Might make up for some of the points you lose for 'trolling'!

on May 30, 2004
make that 2 insightfuls. too bad i cant give ya sensible..reeasonable..well-written as well
on May 30, 2004
Interesting article. I am somewhat curious about one thing. How does one know if they have been "trolled"?
on May 30, 2004

How does one know if they have been "trolled"?

Most people attribute points loss to trolling, Mason.  I wonder about that myself....if there's a way to see how many times you've been trolled and how many times you've been rated insightful...

on May 30, 2004
I've been considering writing an article about trolling, but I think there's been enough good ones (such as this one) that it's unnecessary. I personally think that many people's egos aren't ready for online publishing. They just can't take opposition or criticism objectively.

-- B
on May 30, 2004
Please, people, let's give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Give people a pass on the first comment.

well said !. give that man a cigar.

smartaz, i can honestly say that i have hit the "troll" button only once in my blogging "career", and that was before i really understood what it meant. i have since re-read the comment i "trolled", and with the benefit of hindsight, i am ashamed to say that i was an over sensitive ass.

i adore your comments in my blog ... i would be honoured to have them continue (especially the ones where you say: "you are the the stupidest &%$#* on the ^&%@#@ planet, you pathetic moronic lump of infected camel puss"). i do love those !

i add my insightful to dharmas' and kingbees'. great article.

mig XX
on May 30, 2004
ps: smartaz, i just realised that comment i made sounds like i meant i trolled YOU. but of course i did not.

it was somebody that insulted me months ago, but i get along with them now and utterly regret overreacting.

mig XX
on May 30, 2004
Ah, mig.... I too have used the troll button just once. Instantly felt bad about it, and have never done it since.
The person I trolled has become a lot more polite in recent times, and whilst I do not agree with a lot of the stuff he writes... he is gaining my respect for his change of attitude alone.

smartaz.... good stuff here mate! Here's an insightful for you.

on May 30, 2004
have hit the "troll" button only once in my blogging "career", and that was before i really understood what it meant. i have since re-read the comment i "trolled", and with the benefit of hindsight, i am ashamed ...

I too have used the troll button just once. Instantly felt bad about it, and have never done it since

if that single-usage-followed-by-guilt thing is fairly frequent, perhaps there could be some sort of 'fail-safe' or 'escape' mechanism built into the troll button? like when you click on submit the first time, your browser receives the equivalent of an alt+F4 key command--thus providing a moment of reflection while you relaunch and return to the offending comment?
on May 30, 2004
Or perhaps we should exercise self-control and not hit the "troll" button without going away from an article and coming back later to see if it really deserves it.

However, there are also instances in which immediate use is warranted.

Great article.
on May 30, 2004

However, there are also instances in which immediate use is warranted.

Yep, there are.  I troll people, and I'm not ashamed to say that I troll people.  It's not a daily, or even a weekly occurrence...but if I think it's warranted I will do it and have no qualms about doing it.

on May 30, 2004
As do I. I try to use it only in those instances in which it is really warranted, so I use it rather sparingly. And I honestly don't feel any regret when I do use it.
on May 30, 2004
Great Article !!

I wondered if it should be inciteful and insightful

on May 31, 2004
inciteful and insightful

ahahahaa yours qualifies for both
on May 31, 2004
i dunno if i can count mate - but i gave it insiteful as well... maybe number 6?

I have not once used the troll button!!! when people attack me, They simply prove my points better than I can. I give them insightful half the time! they need all the help they can get!

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