The random thoughts of a nash.
even as they behead people "because" we won't leave
Published on June 29, 2004 By Gene Nash In Current Events
        Handing Iraq back over to its people early must have thrown a wrench into al Qaeda's plans. They want America in Iraq.

        Al Qaeda saw Iraq as "a new front" in their Jihad against the West. If they couldn't smuggle themselves into America to mass murder Americans they could easily caravan their way into Iraq and start taking shots at will. It was the perfect opportunity to kill some infidels and get a crack at the mythical 72 virgins promised to martyrs. Iraq is al Qaeda's American Shooting Gallery, where the Kewpie Dolls you win are yours for the deflowering.

        If America leaves Iraq, if -- Allah forbid -- America does what they said they would do, where does al Qaeda's new front go? Poof. It disappears faster than Aladdin's genie.

        So what's there for a loosing terrorist organization to do? Stop the turnover at all costs! Start slaughtering Iraqis! It doesn't matter if they are Muslims, those collaborators are obviously going to hell anyway. They deserve it. If they're truly innocents, they are glorious martyrs for the cause. (Hello, virgins!) Stop the new government! Show what liars the American's are! And for Allah's sake don't let them leave the country!

        Yep, yesterday must have been a dark day in al Qaeda land.

on Jul 03, 2004
Leaving? What made you think that the US was leaving Iraq? On the contrary, it's setting up 14 "enduring bases" in a sovereign nation.
on Jul 03, 2004
setting up bases in a country is not the same as occupation. It just gives us a foothold (note: one REQUESTED by many Iraqis) to help them secure the country.
on Jul 03, 2004
"Leaving? What made you think that the US was leaving Iraq? On the contrary, it's setting up 14 "enduring bases" in a sovereign nation."

By that rationale we are occupying most of the world...

Of course they want the US there. If they can use us as a distraction, they might get away with continually killing Iraqis and keeping people thinking the war is about us. Iraqis have a lot more to fear from insurgents than they have to fear from us. Once we take a back seat, everyone in Iraq will realize that the insurgents have been making war against THEM for months.
on Jul 03, 2004
Indeed.  The US still has bases in Japan, Germany, UK, etc.
on Jul 03, 2004
I wonder how Iran would feel about a completely emasculated Iraq, after decades of fighting with them. How many years do you think it would take to get Iraq's military strong enough to defend itself?