The random thoughts of a nash.

    (Whoops, this one should have been posted 2 weeks ago. Sorry about that. It may be too late to pull off now, but you're good to go for next year....)

    There exist some dumb little indicators that don't make much sense but turn out to be shockingly accurate anyway, such as my advice on how to pick the Rose Bowl winner (the team with the best looking cheerleaders usually wins). This also falls under that category. They don't make much sense, but they work and have worked every time I've used them. Just keep in mind nothing is 100%-- they're bound to fail once in a while.

    This one is even more esoteric and (depending on where you're at-- and, at this time, what language you speak) harder to get the info. There's only one step to this: find out which team sports anchor Claudia Trejos thinks will win the Super Bowl. She's always wrong. Pick the opposite team.

    And for you over/under types (though perhaps not quite as accurate): If she thinks the game will be close it will probably be a blow out; if she predicts a blow out anticipate a tight contest.

    I love Claudia, but-- God bless her-- she can't pick the Super Bowl for crap.

    By the way, if you actually know Claudia don't tell her about this! She's libel to get self conscious about it and queer up the whole deal. Keep your mouth shut and don't ruin a good thing for the rest of us, okay?

    Gene Nash

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