The random thoughts of a nash.
Published on March 14, 2005 By Gene Nash In Movies & TV & Books
Have you seen the new Hanes underwear ad? Alas, the Brunette Buttermilk Babes of Burger King have been displaced in my affection. I'm so fickle. This is officially my new favorite hear-the-music-and-run-to-stare-at-the-TV commercial.

It's basically nothing but Marisa Tomei wandering around an apartment. But really, what more do you need in life?

How can just looking at a pretty woman be so damned entertaining?

(There's another version with a male actor, but I can't remember who he was. Shows you how much attention I paid to that one, huh?)

The tag line is "Look who we've got our Hanes on now." Funny, getting the Hanes on wasn't what it brought to mind.

on Mar 14, 2005
I don't know if you get the Hardee's commercials where you're at, but they are great. ( if not, realize that Hardees is a Hamburger Franchise, recently purchased by Carl's Jr. - they're all over the south )

They run on the theme of " If it weren't for Hardees. some guys would just starve"

The latest series has featured a blatantly hung-over guy trying to get the twist tie off a loaf of bread, the narrator voices over " why is it the harder you party at night the harder it is to do things the next morning"
Another features a guy attempting to get dressed, and then mangling the job of buttering toast, The narrator then states " hey, you got dressed this morning, that's enough of an accomplishment"

I remember in my mis-spent youth going thru those exact same moments, at least I think I did........

on Mar 14, 2005
Another features a guy attempting to get dressed, and then mangling the job of buttering toast, The narrator then states " hey, you got dressed this morning, that's enough of an accomplishment"

I saw that one's pretty funny.
on Mar 14, 2005
Yeah, I figured out Hardee's was the eastern version of Carl's Jr. several years ago when I saw Happy (the Carl's star symbol) on their restaurants. I went in just to see what was up. Same menu. It was nice to know Carl's had extended beyond Texas.

If Hardee's ever gets something called "The California Roast Beef Sandwich" you've got to try it. That was the greatest sandwich ever. Back in the 80's it was a regular Carl's menu item. They bring it back occasionally as a "limited time only."

(Okay, enough Carl's stories. I have a ton of them.)

The "some guys would starve" has been a recurring campaign for Carl's for a while now. There are a bunch of them. I haven't seen those one's yet, though.