The random thoughts of a nash.
and you thought american reality tv was mean
Published on December 18, 2005 By Gene Nash In Movies & TV & Books

You think American reality TV can be mean? The Brits just had a series that whittled ten contestants down to three who were told they were becoming Britain's first space tourists.

The winning would-be astronauts were whisked to "Russia" for training before blasting off into space. In reality, they never left England. Ipswich stood in for the cosmonaut training camp. Their "space ship" actually sat in a Suffolk warehouse.

One of the red-faced almost-nauts said, "We're not astronauts. We're just asses."

The sole female member of the crew said she was "heartbroken." She'd already practiced her re-entry speech. "I was going to say it had been my childhood dream." Dream canceled.

This makes Joe Schmo look like Romper Room.

And you know what the worst part is? If it had been on in the U.S., I'd probably have been watching it and making fun of them.


on Dec 18, 2005
That is horrible. I'm surprised that more people don't go postal at these producers. At least in England, they don't have guns.
on Dec 18, 2005
Richard told me about this programme on Channel 4, hosted by Johnny Vaughan, an ex crack dealer from the midlands. The peasants that took part in this programme deserved it. The were apparently assessed for their gullible natures before the programme and were selected for being fully retarded.

If you were told that all you had to do was take a 10 day course to become an astronaut, you would have to rather stupid to agree to take part.
on Dec 18, 2005
Horrible, yes. Funny, definitely.

Reminds me a bit of the "my big fat obnoxious boss" on Fox, though Fox never finished showing the end of that series. That was of course the follow-up to the "my big fat obnoxious fiance" which was darned funny.
on Dec 18, 2005
Here is another rather amusing story my dear boy.,,30200-13481264,00.html
on Dec 19, 2005
I think it is very cruel.  But like Terpfan says, it is funny as well.