The random thoughts of a nash.
of liberals, conservatives, litmus tests & holiday surprises
Published on December 21, 2005 By Gene Nash In Politics

I hate the word, but I have to say it -- Hypocrites!

Liberals' litmus tests and holiday surprises are no tastier than the Conservative versions they condemn.

Liberals cried far and loud at how the evil Christian Conservative Right "railroaded" Harriet Miers because "she wouldn't promise to overturn Roe v. Wade." You'd think the "far right of the Republican party" was murdering babies in a back alley. (Wait, bad example. In that case Libs would applaud the Right for finally seeing the light....)

Then the Liberals turned right around and started skewering Samuel Alito because he wouldn't promise not to overturn Roe v. Wade. Hmmm. They've done everything but stick electrodes into his brain in their search for anti-abortion crusading.

That coin stinks no matter which side it lands on. Litmus test politics is foolishness in my book, no matter which side is engaging in it. The foolishness is only compounded when one side starts arguing their litmus test is good and noble while the other side's is a sign of pure evil.

Another case of... shudder... hypocrisy comes from year-end holiday-time surprises, the nasty "sucks to be you!" kind, not the pleasant "wow! this is great!" kind.

Liberals eagerly denounce as evil any business that fires even a single soul anywhere near Christmas. Then the Libs will turn around and decide Christmas is the perfect time to inflict so much pain with a strike that their union will get all the concessions their little Grinch hearts desire. A few hundred or thousand people losing their jobs is a sign of Conservative callousness, but a few million being damaged is a righteous stand.

A pox on both their houses!

I'd say it reminds me of something about being so concerned with the splinter in your brother's eye you miss the log in your own, but that would be mixing religion and politics.

Can't do that. God forbid. Whoops.


on Dec 21, 2005
Wow. Okay, I'm open to suggestions on a new title, because this one didn't sink like a stone, it never got off the beach .

When I originally planned to write it, it was called, "Liberals' Litmus Tests No Better than Conservatives'." But after seeing strike after strike on top of firings after firings, I decided to expand it, leading to a very awkward and apparently very uninteresting title.

on Dec 21, 2005
Man... so much hatred and so little substance.
on Dec 21, 2005
Ooooo, a comment! The new title is working.

Man... so much hatred and so little substance.

Hey, you forgot to call me a "neo-con."

I think your definition of "hatred" is a little too loose, and that of "substance" a little too tight.

But since you've yet to display any sense of reading comprehension or intellectual capacity, Ben, it's kind of irrelevant.

Thanks for trying, though. Come back again.

on Dec 21, 2005
Actually, a well balanced meal.
on Dec 21, 2005
Great article Gene!
The points you made are well made and I find them very easy to agree with.(At least this time )
on Dec 21, 2005
We like labels because it makes it easier to hate someone.
Liberals loooooove Roe v Wade because it's an easy way to pigeonhole anyone into a for-or-against prejudice. Then they take umbrage with anyone who calls it a litmus test.