The random thoughts of a nash.
conform or perish
Published on February 4, 2006 By Gene Nash In Politics

ponytail tied tight
birkenstocks donned firm and sure
where's the protest, man?

die, conservative!
die, greedy, racist, dumb, pigs!
you're intolerant!

morals are victory
it's not about win or lose
rightness is the thing

how sad - i must cry
wretched beggar's bloody feet
next week: "March For Shoes!"

quick discuss heroes
che? good! lyndon? good! reagan?!
big red F-ing shame

liberalism's dead
throw a dart, invade a land
neo-con delight

why don't they get it?
we're smarter, care more, help more
be like me, dumbass

© Copyright 2006 Gene Nash


on Feb 04, 2006
archie bunker fumes.
girls were girls and men were men
meathead won't stifle.
on Feb 04, 2006
I didn't want to be left out of the cliche-driven political poetry movement.

I'm such a sheeple.

archie bunker fumes.
girls were girls and men were men
meathead won't stifle.

flipped bigot scream fume
move van move! belch gas! jam gear!
eastside deluxe view

Okay, who wants to do Maude? (The first one who says "Walter" gets bitch slapped.)

(Maybe next week I'll work my way up to 80's sitcoms.)
on Feb 04, 2006
Welcome to the poetic side of JU!  Very good too.
on Feb 06, 2006
be kind in discourse
under the cherry blossoms
but beware the axe.