The random thoughts of a nash.
Gene Nash's Articles In Sports & Leisure
June 14, 2004 by Gene Nash
        As I watched theLakers self-destruct during tonight's game, I reflected on lastweek's Jeopardy champion and what he had that L.A.'s team lost.         Last week'sJeopardy champion was fantastic. He cleared categories, he seemed toanswer more than half the board single-handedly, he racked up suchhigh scores that by the end his opponents couldn't have touched himno matter what happened. It was one of the mo...
February 6, 2005 by Gene Nash
It's that annual time when I watch the rest of the country goslightly loopy for something I couldn't care less about. Welcome toSuper Bowl Sunday in America. I feel like a Sikh on Christmas. ("Super Bowl" is a registered TradeMark of the NFL -- NiggardlyFreaking Losers. It is used within this blog without permission. Sueme, you greedy, capitalistic scum. What? Not interested? How about ifI start charging admission to my Super Bowl blog? Wait a second, thephone is ringing....) Ahem... Welcome...