The random thoughts of a nash.
Gene Nash's Articles In US Domestic
November 9, 2005 by Gene Nash
People spent yesterday's off-season election day -- really off-season in California's case -- going to the polls. As day turned to night and election results came in, things began looking bleak for the Right. It was a bad night for Republicans. Two high profile, hotly contested, closely watched Governor's races went to Democrats. In California, Republican super-star Arnold Schwarzenegger saw his political capital and mandate crumble into nothingness as all four of his "reform" initiatives ...
October 11, 2005 by Gene Nash
In an anti-CPS case the ACLU did take, a Pennsylvania woman is trying to stop authorities from taking her unborn child because the baby's father was convicted of sex crimes 22 years ago. The mother, 31-year-old Melissa WolfHawk, has already lost a 21-month-old child to the state after they doubted her husband's parental fitness. On the face of it, this would seem to be a slam dunk for the anti-CPS crowd, but the unsavoriness of the male protagonist makes this more like the Rodney Ki...
March 27, 2005 by Gene Nash
Time and again I hear people talking about the Terri Schiavo case say about President Bush and Congress, "It's a private family matter. The government shouldn't get involved!" Perhaps one of you can help me -- I must have been on vacation and missed the news -- when did the judiciary stop being part of the government? I'd really like to read the succession papers. It must be nice for them, being rid of that whole pesky "checks and balances" thing.