The random thoughts of a nash.
Gene Nash's Articles In Philosophy
July 6, 2004 by Gene Nash
        In my ongoingsearch for repeatable bits so I can coast on blogger autopilot, Isubmit for your approval my condensed version of mignuna's "Friday Five." Consider me mig-lite for the attention spanchallenged.         Every Tuesday I'llpose two questions for pondering and self reflection. Answer if youplease, any way you please. There are no correct answers, only yourpersonal thoughts and reflections. There...
July 7, 2004 by Gene Nash
        I watched ArnoldSchwarzenegger's "Last Action Hero" a couple of nights ago. Init a young boy is given a magic ticket that allows him to enter anArnold flick.         Q#1 -- If youcould enter any film (or films) which would it be and why?         Later in the moviethe villain escapes into the "real world" and concocts a plan to jumpfrom movie to movie unleashing fi...
August 31, 2004 by Gene Nash
        This is a questionI have privately pondered. I've considered posing it many times andin many places. What, if any, are the ethics of autobiography? How much consideration must one give the lives of others, those lives intersecting one's own life, when telling one's own story?         I'd write moreautobiographical articles but I wonder just how much it is legitimateto say about other ...