The random thoughts of a nash.
Gene Nash's Articles In Cats
November 13, 2005 by Gene Nash
It's been about two months since I brought Fuzzy home from the hospital. He's had his final follow-ups and been pronounced healthy. He's not going to need the surgery. His hair is growing back. At least it feels like I'm petting a cat again not a naked mole rat or, as his hairs grew in short and wiry initially, a small dog. He's regained the weight he lost. He whimpered after going to the bathroom and strained at the end each time for a good month, but now both behaviors have passed. Some...
July 29, 2005 by Gene Nash
They tell me the entire time I was away, my cat did nothing but cry. Well, at least someone missed me. He's a freaky little thing. He hates to be alone. If I leave the room, you can be sure it won't be long before I glance down and find a grey-and-white fuzz ball laying nearby. He hates it when he can't have access to me. It's not so much that he needs access, he just wants to have it in case he feels like it. I can sympathize with those who had to put up with his non-stop crying spree....