The random thoughts of a nash.
Gene Nash's Articles In PC Gaming
January 30, 2004 by Gene Nash
    (Whoops, this one should have been posted2 weeks ago. Sorry about that. It may be too late to pull off now,but you're good to go for next year....)     There exist some dumb little indicators thatdon't make much sense but turn out to be shockingly accurate anyway,such as my adviceon how to pick the Rose Bowl winner (the team with the bestlooking cheerleaders usually wins). This also falls under thatcategory. They don't make much sense, but they w...
January 1, 2004 by Gene Nash
    (I noticed I've used the word"pretentious" in every blog I've posted. I swear to you this entrywill not contain the word "pretentious." Wait a second....D'oh!)       Watch the RoseParade *. Wait for the Floats/Bands/Cheerleaders of each RoseBowl team to show up. Check out the cheerleaders. The team withthe more attractive cheerleaders usually wins. (I figure they havemore to win for. Wink wink, nudge nudge.)     (If you h...