(I noticed I've used the word"pretentious" in every blog I've posted. I swear to you this entrywill not contain the word "pretentious." Wait a second....D'oh!) Watch the RoseParade *. Wait for the Floats/Bands/Cheerleaders of each RoseBowl team to show up. Check out the cheerleaders. The team withthe more attractive cheerleaders usually wins. (I figure they havemore to win for. Wink wink, nudge nudge.) (If you h...
Blogging must really be a powerful forceif it's filtered down to me. I knew blogs existed, even seen a coupleinadvertently, but to me they were the sort of things written by highschool girls or the terminally nerdy, filled with things such as, "Joey and Carmella were at the mall. she was SOOO flaunting it infront of me all 'he's with me biatch.' carmella is such a slut. she'ssuch a ho and someday joeys going see that and BEG me to take himback just so he can get away from her. SHES THE B...
In which we enter the Land of Blog. I was totally unprepared to have to enter a"welcome message." Here I am, blindly poking around, trying to figureout what to do and how this all works, and -=*BOOM*=- theyexpect me to enter a welcome message. I'm lucky I remember how totype at this point. Oh well, here goes. BEGIN UNSCHEDULED DIGRESSION: How pretentious is the appellation Blogosphere? I can hear Shatner hacking up an aphorism ...