Even if a leader marches to the beat ofhis own drum, he should still have his finger on the pulse of thepeople. After all, if one is to lead, you must know where the peopleare before you can take them to where you want them. Then why areJohn Kerry's current trumpet blowing ads so out of touch with whatAmericans value and believe? In a current ad, Kerry lays out what hethinks will convince people he is qualified for the presidency. (Inanother ve...
Where Geezers Gather I currently livein the border-town community of Laughlin,NV / Bullhead City, AZ .Laughlin's where all the sizzle is. Casinos, flashing lights-- youknow the tableau. One of those places that bills itself as "WhatVegas used to be." (If that's such a good thing, why isn'tVegas still it?) Vegas-lite aimed heavily at an older clientele. 50'sand older music dominates. Over at the RamadaExpress they have a W.W.II museum. Th...
This is myfavorite story about the Buddha. A man heard aboutthe Buddha and his teachings and decided if this "Buddha" ever camearound he'd show him up for the fraud he was. One day he received hisopportunity when Buddha came walking into the village. The manimmediately went to the Buddha and started cursing at him, callinghim a fraud, asking who he thought he was to be teaching people suchthings.
When you begin your daily JU adventure,what page do you start on? Thefront page? Theforums? Your own page? I used to always begin on my own mainpage, but now I have three different places where I begin dependingon my intentions. My Own Main Page. While I used to always start here, it's too long and takes too much time to load for everyday use. Now I only go there first when I want to know how frequently my articles are being ...
You see that information box at the topcorner of your JoeUser window that gives your user points and rank?(Non-registered users need not apply.) I've been sitting here staringat those icons wondering just what the hell they are supposed torepresent. Even the ones I recognize don't make sense. "My Account" Icon. Okay, that one's easy. It looks like half a computer monitor. Or, if I don't look too closely, my old Mac+. "My Blog" Icon. Easy but with...
When I was forcedto move I lost my cable. It came with the house. I know, Ohthe horror! The humanity! SmartAz lost his cable!!! Yeah, someone call the UnitedNations and see if they can get a team on this toot-sweet! Okay, it's not of earth shatteringimportance. I'm just surprised I care so much. We first got cablewhen I was around 12. We had it for about 10 years, then I didn't have it for about 10 years. During that cablelessperiod I...
The "Carson& Barnes Circus" was supposed to be in town today over at the Avi Casino . I've known aboutit for a couple of weeks. There were several articles and lots ofadvertising. My mother -- a.k.a. Pudgy -- wanted to go for herbirthday. We usually go somewhere for her birthday. One year we spentan entire month driving around the southern U.S. from the Pacific tothe Atlantic. This year we held off a week to wait for the circus. Itfelt weird not doing anything o...
I watched Dateline 's (boring as Dateline usually is) 2-hour farewell to Friends episodetonight. In one section, Katie Couric went "behind the scenes" andtalked to the below-the-line talent that has helped put the showtogether over the last 10 years. While she talked to the setdesigner, she tried to pry the ending out of him. Though he wouldn'tgive it up, he did cryptically have this to say (paraphrased): "It ends with a beautiful view out of a hotel window....
Put the salve on as instructed, go in foryour shots, and stay away from that one -- you'll be fine. Wait --wrong "burning" question. After perusing myreferrals, I decided to answer some of the questions which havegone unanswered by the articles which search engines inaccuratelydumped people on. "When does Lent end?" -- It's over. For future reference it ends at Easter. That should be easy enough, right? "When does Lent start?" -- ...
Put the salve on as instructed, go in foryour shots, and stay away from that one -- you'll be fine. Wait --wrong "burning" question. After perusing myreferrals, I decided to answer some of the questions which havegone unanswered by the articles which search engines inaccuratelydumped people on. "When does Lent end?" -- It's over. For future reference it ends at Easter. That should be easy enough, right? "When does Lent start?" -- ...
I'm having a dilemma regarding this year'spresidential elections: I don't want to vote for either ofthese guys! I'm a Republican who did not vote forBush. I thought his father was the worst president of my lifetime(and that includes Nixon!) and expected no better from him. Iwas wrong. Bush fils has been an okay president. He's notgreat but he hasn't driven the country into the ground either.America's still been an okay place to live under...
There's been a lot of talk lately about what is or is notacceptable blogging practice. Some people say there are a bunch ofrules you should follow, others say pretty much anything goes. Somehave even suggested that the blogging about blogging has gotten outof hand and should be outlawed. Me-- I'm just looking for somethingto write about. Another blogging sin I haven't noticed get much play lately isbeing the first to comment on your own article. There seems to besomething morally dishonest a...
Today (Wednesday, April 28) was SaddamHussein's birthday. Not coincidentally it was also Jay Leno'sbirthday. Nuff said? Okay, consider this: Saddam: Achieved his position through backstabbing, betrayal and murder. Jay: Achieved his position through backstabbing and betrayal. (And, come on, have you seen Johnny lately? Yeah, thought not.) Saddam: Used ruthless underlings to crush dissidents. Jay: Used ruthless underling (Helen Kushnick) ...