The random thoughts of a nash.
Gene Nash's Articles In Politics
May 4, 2004 by Gene Nash
    I'm having a dilemma regarding this year'spresidential elections: I don't want to vote for either ofthese guys!     I'm a Republican who did not vote forBush. I thought his father was the worst president of my lifetime(and that includes Nixon!) and expected no better from him. Iwas wrong. Bush fils has been an okay president. He's notgreat but he hasn't driven the country into the ground either.America's still been an okay place to live under...
June 1, 2004 by Gene Nash
        Even as they tryto marginalize him as a joke, Democrats clearly fear Nader. Theycontinue to blame him for Al Gore's loss. (Maybe it was Al Gore'sfault that he didn't inspire more voters. Just a thought. *)         Nader hasproblems. The press is largely ignoring him. Without even the lowlypolitical machine of a 3rd party he is strugglingto get on ballots and raise money. One of the big questions whenh...
May 21, 2004 by Gene Nash
    Even if a leader marches to the beat ofhis own drum, he should still have his finger on the pulse of thepeople. After all, if one is to lead, you must know where the peopleare before you can take them to where you want them. Then why areJohn Kerry's current trumpet blowing ads so out of touch with whatAmericans value and believe?     In a current ad, Kerry lays out what hethinks will convince people he is qualified for the presidency. (Inanother ve...
November 3, 2004 by Gene Nash
        Wednesday,November 3rd, 2004. The day after.         I have my "I toldyou so!" article all ready. I'm just waiting for a concession.         Watch this space.
November 2, 2004 by Gene Nash
        I voted in Arizonalast week, the first election I voted anywhere but California. Beingso used to one system made it strange to experience how others handlethe same event. Early Voting         In California youeither vote absentee or show up on election day. In Arizona you havethe option of voting early, even a month before the election. Oneresult of this is that there are multiple ballots at a singleloc...
June 24, 2005 by Gene Nash
This site is rife with comments and articles proclaiming "Conservatives are XXXXX!" and "Liberals are XXXXX!" while hurling out every invective and pejorative the thesaurus can supply. I can't help but wonder, though, if you replaced "Conservatives" with "Whites" and "Liberals" with "Blacks" (or vice versa, though that division seems to work for Howard Dean) would these articles and attitudes still seem okay?
October 19, 2005 by Gene Nash
An arrest warrant has been issued for Rep. Tom DeLay, currently under indictment by two grand juries for money laundering and conspiracy. Both the court and DeLay's lawyers portray this as merely a formality. The warrant states: "To any sheriff or peace officer of the state of Texas, greetings, you are hereby commanded to arrest Thomas Dale DeLay and keep him safely so that you have him before the 331st Judicial District Court of Travis County." Bail has been set at $10,000. So far D...
October 27, 2005 by Gene Nash
Growing voter discontent about Iraq. Harriet Miers. Looming indictments. FEMA's fumbles. The Bush presidency is in free fall. The "political capital" he claimed after last year's election is completely gone. What could Bush do to arrest the decline and turn his second term back around? Is there anything? Or is it totally out of his control? And in the bigger picture, what can any president do to avoid the "second term curse?" Does the scent of lame duck make a second term presiden...
December 21, 2005 by Gene Nash
I hate the word, but I have to say it -- Hypocrites! Liberals' litmus tests and holiday surprises are no tastier than the Conservative versions they condemn. Liberals cried far and loud at how the evil Christian Conservative Right "railroaded" Harriet Miers because "she wouldn't promise to overturn Roe v. Wade." You'd think the "far right of the Republican party" was murdering babies in a back alley. (Wait, bad example. In that case Libs would applaud the Right for finally seeing the li...
February 1, 2006 by Gene Nash
It's hard to get a bead on this story. Every report seems to be different. I'll give you the gist of what I derived with a caveat as to its complete accuracy. Cindy Sheehan was arrested just before the State of the Union speech last night. Sitting in the gallery at the invitation of California Representative Lynn Woolsey, Sheehan revealed she was wearing a sloganeering t-shirt that had the number of American soldiers killed in Iraq listed on it (I guess she doesn't worry about Afghan troops)...
February 4, 2006 by Gene Nash
ponytail tied tight birkenstocks donned firm and sure where's the protest, man? die, conservative! die, greedy, racist, dumb, pigs! you're intolerant! morals are victory it's not about win or lose rightness is the thing how sad - i must cry wretched beggar's bloody feet next week: "March For Shoes!" quick discuss heroes che? good! lyndon? good! reagan?! big red F-ing shame liberalism's dead throw a dart, invade a land neo-con delight why don't they get it? we're s...