The random thoughts of a nash.
Gene Nash's Articles » Page 11
February 6, 2005 by Gene Nash
It's that annual time when I watch the rest of the country goslightly loopy for something I couldn't care less about. Welcome toSuper Bowl Sunday in America. I feel like a Sikh on Christmas. ("Super Bowl" is a registered TradeMark of the NFL -- NiggardlyFreaking Losers. It is used within this blog without permission. Sueme, you greedy, capitalistic scum. What? Not interested? How about ifI start charging admission to my Super Bowl blog? Wait a second, thephone is ringing....) Ahem... Welcome...
February 6, 2005 by Gene Nash
[a repost from one of my other blogs.] What is up with people who ask for invites but don't sign up? What is up with people who say, "Yes, sir, give me one! I want to use it!" then blow it off as if it's nothing? As I mentioned before, I'm promoting a new, by "invitation only," ad exchange service called InstantBuzz. I clearly state to only request an invite if you will actually sign up, because I have only a limited number of invites. That's not a gimmick. I have only a l...
February 4, 2005 by Gene Nash
Some things just make you feel old. Some things just walk up, slapyou in the face, scream, "You thought you were still young?!" andstart having a hearty laugh at your expense. From my conversations with people, I get the impression that mostpeople see themselves as a certain fixed age in the past. "I stillfeel 21," someone will say. Their current chronological age is aforgotten inconvenience. Then something happens and your real age comes flying up into yourconsciousness. "Hi ya, pally! You ...
January 24, 2005 by Gene Nash
It's probably not wise to blog while overly emotional, but here Iam -- numb and in shock. "Johnny Carson Dead of Emphysema atAge 79" I woke up just after 6:30 this evening, realized it was time forthe NBC Nightly News , and felt around for the remote. It tookonly a few seconds to realize why they were talking about Johnny inthe past tense. There goes another large chunk of my life. Shove it in a pine boxand stick it six feet under. Whatever Isaid about Ronald Reagan a few months...
January 24, 2005 by Gene Nash
Another long night of sitting here, poking around the Internet, not doing what I want to do. Do I think life will wait? How much more evidence do I need that is not true? What will it take? Do I think I'm going to live forever or something? How much do I have to lose before I get it? What is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with me?
January 13, 2005 by Gene Nash
You know I don't care to post the "3 lines and a link" variety ofblog, but I ran across this story through BlogExplosion just now and had to share it. "Mr. Viola was not your typical Spanish teacher. He had this funny way of walking, possibly caused by his pants being pulled up into his armpits. I guess you could say he walked like a duck or a penguin. He was always playing disco music in the class during a lesson. We never understood why." You have to clickhere now to read the ...
January 7, 2005 by Gene Nash
It has become somewhat traditional here at JU to write a specialarticle commemorating our 100th article. This is mine. Reaching my 100th blog has me thinking about other 100ths. Some100ths we celebrate (number of blogs, birthdays -- maybe), some we'llprobably never reach (100th Christmas, 100th trips to the other sideof the world, birthdays -- again), and most go by without even anotice (100th Big Mac eaten, 100th sunset stopped and watched, 100thtime you kissed someone special) unless you'r...
December 23, 2004 by Gene Nash
The Christmas Gift offers are now closed. Go away. Original Title: Grab Your Gifts While You Can - ho ho ho
December 23, 2004 by Gene Nash
        Well, the Laughlin,NV attempt to set a world record for "LargestCarol Service" (i.e., most people singing Christmas Carols at onetime) failed. We missed the mark by 50 people. 50 lousy people. Canyou believe that? That's like finally getting to make love to thegirl of your dreams and 3 seconds in her dad walks through the doorforcing you to jump out a second-story window.         Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh .T...
December 19, 2004 by Gene Nash
        World records andthe people who hold them have always fascinated me. As a child,watching That'sIncredible , RealPeople , and the old Ripley's newsreels captivated me. Iacquired my first copy of GuinnessBook of World Records in the 2nd grade and treasured it justshort of cooing, "My precious!" It's always been in my head to someday try to set a world record -- in what didn't matter -- so when the Colorado Belle Hotel Casinoand Microbre...
December 16, 2004 by Gene Nash
        I've seen theaftermath of at least one Middle Eastern kidnap-victim beheading. Ididn't search it out. The picture was part of a page I was reading.Once I'd seen it, though, I did take a closer look, and it changed myperception dramatically.         For a while weheard about beheadings and watched the tapes of frantic prisonersalmost daily. When we in the West think of beheadings, we have thisimage of a gu...
December 7, 2004 by Gene Nash
"Target stores change their corporate policy regarding TheSalvation Army," said the news anchor. "Not so fast," replied the blogger. When Target decided to ban Salvation Army bell-ringers at theirstores, they gave the lame excuse that allowing one charity "wasn'tfair" to other charities. "Allowing these organizations to solicitmeans that Target would also have to permit solicitation byorganizations whose causes or behavior may be unacceptable to ourguests," said a statementon their website...
November 30, 2004 by Gene Nash
Attention, Jeopardy fans. Today should be the day longtimeJeopardy Champion Ken Jennings loses. After 74 straight wins and morethan 2.5 million dollars he will succumb on tonight's show --Tuesday, November 30th. (In areas where Jeopardy is delayed a daybecause of Monday Night Football it may be shown tomorrow --Wednesday, December 1st.) Ken Jennings' winning streak began on June 2nd. Interrupted onlyby the summer hiatus and several special theme weeks ( Kids Week,College Champion Week ) he w...
November 19, 2004 by Gene Nash
Sorry, Everyone, I've been sick lately. I'll get back when I can. (Hopefully next week?)
November 3, 2004 by Gene Nash
        Wednesday,November 3rd, 2004. The day after.         I have my "I toldyou so!" article all ready. I'm just waiting for a concession.         Watch this space.