The random thoughts of a nash.
Gene Nash's Articles » Page 5
October 20, 2005 by Gene Nash
Last week I wrote about a Pennsylvania case of Child Protective Services attempting to get custody of an unborn child because of sex crimes the father committed more than 20 years earlier. CPS sweetened the pot with contested new allegations that the father, DaiShin WolfHawk, previously molested his daughter and that the mother, Melissa WolfHawk, is a drug taking prostitute. Whether unfounded or not, the new charges worked. Mrs. WolfHawk gave birth Tuesday. On Wednesday, a judge gave...
October 19, 2005 by Gene Nash
An arrest warrant has been issued for Rep. Tom DeLay, currently under indictment by two grand juries for money laundering and conspiracy. Both the court and DeLay's lawyers portray this as merely a formality. The warrant states: "To any sheriff or peace officer of the state of Texas, greetings, you are hereby commanded to arrest Thomas Dale DeLay and keep him safely so that you have him before the 331st Judicial District Court of Travis County." Bail has been set at $10,000. So far D...
October 18, 2005 by Gene Nash
Sometimes I'll know something is there, but just not be able to see it. It drives me crazy that my subconscious is onto something but won't share. My sub-c must be female -- it drops hints then pouts because I don't get it. "Well if you can't see it, I'm certainly not going to tell you," it recriminates, then turns its very cold shoulder. For more than a year now I've been looking at kingbee's URL, , trying to figure out what it means, knowing ther...
October 17, 2005 by Gene Nash
Remember when Geraldo was a respected ABC News journalist, back before he "opened Al Capone's vault" and earned sideshow status? Remember the good old days when you lost journalistic credibility after leaving ABC News? These days you cost ABC News its credibility by joining them. Ending months of speculation, ABC announced it will try to keep its late-night news program Nightline trudging along after the loss of anchor Ted Koppel. In a "one person can't follow that act!" move ak...
October 11, 2005 by Gene Nash
In an anti-CPS case the ACLU did take, a Pennsylvania woman is trying to stop authorities from taking her unborn child because the baby's father was convicted of sex crimes 22 years ago. The mother, 31-year-old Melissa WolfHawk, has already lost a 21-month-old child to the state after they doubted her husband's parental fitness. On the face of it, this would seem to be a slam dunk for the anti-CPS crowd, but the unsavoriness of the male protagonist makes this more like the Rodney Ki...
October 6, 2005 by Gene Nash
When a substitute teacher in Lake County, Florida heard beeping coming from a student, he acted before he thought. He asked the student what the beeping was, but before the 9th grader could answer, the teacher grabbed the offending item and ripped it from the boy. It seems he thought it was a cell phone. Instead, it turns out the boy is a Type I diabetic, the ripped item was an insulin pump, and the teacher pulled it out of the tube connected to the boy's leg. It had been beeping as war...
October 6, 2005 by Gene Nash
Harry Potter is gay. Or so former vicar and current J.K. Rowling rival Graham Taylor announced to a packed auditorium of 12-year-olds at a school in England, just before being asked to leave the premises by administrators. "As for Harry Potter," said Reverend Taylor, "well, he's not the only gay in the village." Reverend Taylor, who is becoming rich and famous from his novel-length tale of wizards and sorcerers called Shadowmancer , was asked by a local bookstore, Ottakar, to speak ...
October 3, 2005 by Gene Nash
You thought Gwyneth Paltrow naming her daughter Apple was bad? Here's one more for the celebrity bad baby name files. Nicolas Cage and his wife of 14 months, Alice Kim Cage, just birthed their first child. And what did they name him? Kal-el Coppola Cage. For those not hip to comics, Kal-el is the birth name of Clark Kent, a.k.a. Superman. Maybe it shouldn't be surprising, considering daddy Nicolas (nee Nicholas Coppola) took his stage surname from the Marvel Comics character Luke...
October 3, 2005 by Gene Nash
JoeUser is a lot like life. You go away for a few days and return to find that articles have still been posted, controversies have erupted, new people have joined, and older members have dropped out. And if anybody noticed you were gone it was probably in passing -- maybe someone even asked -- then people went about their daily JoeUser lives. In the stream of life, you're just a pebble whose presence may alter or bump the water's flow ever so slightly, but the water keeps flowing whether y...
September 28, 2005 by Gene Nash
Martha Stewart's version of The Apprentice premiered last Wednesday to extremely disappointing ratings. Having two Apprentice s on at once is stupid and suicidal. It can only harm the franchise. Since Trump had said he would only do two more iterations (meaning one beyond the current), they should have interleaved the versions, extending Trump's version into the next television season, and building momentum for a post-Trump continuation of the show. Instead, Martha is put in the impossi...
September 28, 2005 by Gene Nash
Remember back in March, when accused rapist Brian Nichols killed four people, escaped, and took a woman hostage who eventually talked him down with pancakes, sharing God, and readings from "The Purpose-Driven Life"? It turns out there was more to the story. Isn't there always? For one thing, the much ballyhooed "Purpose-Driven" intervention amounted to reading little more than a paragraph. For another, as indicated in the title of her new book, "Unlikely Angel," Ashley Smith is far fr...
September 27, 2005 by Gene Nash
I guess you could call me a Don Adams fan. Even though it left the airwaves about the time I was born, I always loved the television show Get Smart as a child, watching every re-ran episode that came on, no matter how many times I'd previously seen it. I'm sure I was sadder than he was when the mid-90's revival got canceled. He claimed to have done it strictly for the money. I felt it was getting progressively better, with the last aired episode being not only the best, but worthy of the...
September 25, 2005 by Gene Nash
Kiss Me Like A Stranger is Gene Wilder's memoir, with an emphasis on women and art. Wife Gilda Radner gave him the title shortly before she died. He expresses confusion at what it means or where it came from, but the inspiration fairly obviously was their recent heated exchange. He angrily denounced her for treating strangers better than she treated him. She responded that he was the only one she could treat badly because he was her husband. Soon thereafter she decided if he ever wr...
September 25, 2005 by Gene Nash
Kiss Me Like A Stranger is Gene Wilder's memoir, with an emphasis on women and art. Wife Gilda Radner gave him the title shortly before she died. He expresses confusion at what it means or where it came from, but the inspiration fairly obviously was their recent heated exchange. He angrily denounced her for treating strangers better than she treated him. She responded that he was the only one she could treat badly because he was her husband. Soon thereafter she decided if he ever wr...
September 22, 2005 by Gene Nash
What the *#!& is wrong with the vets around here? If you followed my articles about my cat Fuzzy, you probably know what a difficult time I had getting a veterinarian to see him. I couldn't believe that they'd rather leave an animal to painfully die than get full payment upfront. You'd think vets of all people would care what happened to an animal. You'd be wrong. I just found out what happened to my neighbor's dog. My neighbor took her dog, Nicki, to the dog groomer. While shaving...